FINAL WEBSITE - Click the photo to go to the website.

Final Website


Final Album Cover

Final Album Cover

Friday, 16 December 2011

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

The key technology which allowed us to complete this project is Web 2.0. We used it in all four stages of the project, and we utilised it as much as possible to allow us to create a modern and inventive product.

Research & Planning:

The main technology we used for these stages was Web 2.0. We used it to communicate as a group via our Facebook group, and over Twitter. We made our own Facebook group where we could discuss what needed to be completed when, and to make sure everyone in the group knew what was going on at all times. This really helped us to work cohesively together and meant the production/construction stages were easier.

Here are some more examples of the discussions we had on the group:

We were also able to use Facebook to create events for our shoots, so we could easily organise for our extra's to turn up on time and know the locations.

When finding locations for our real (and test) shoot, we used Google Maps. When deciding which house we should film at we looked at everyone in the group's house via the site, to determine who had the best and most convenient filming location to fit our video.

Youtube was also an invaluable asset in the section of the project, as we were able to look up other videos for inspiration when coming up with idea's and when developing the one we decided on. It allowed us to draw upon conventions of other videos, and meant we could research the documentary style of filming so that we could perfect it in our own video.

Also just being able to search for other artists website's made it much easier when constructing our own as we were able to find out the conventions of other websites and album covers which meant we could have a better idea on whether or not we should follow or challenge those conventions based on the artist identity we were aiming for.

These the were the sites crucial to our planning & research:


For the construction of our video we used Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, which was a newer version that what we had previously used in the years before, however many of the tools and editing techniques were exactly the same which meant we were able to work as fast and efficiently as possible on the editing. We colour graded our video by using the 'three way colour corrector tool' and 'brightness and contrast' on our video, as we wanted to enhance and warm the colours already present, but we didn't want to take away from the natural and documentary style we were aiming for.

This is a video of Sam & Narishma using Premiere Pro and explaining how to use the different techniques:

We were also lucky enough to use HD camera's this year [we used a Sony HVR AIE] which shot in Full 1080p HD whereas last year we used SD cameras which shot in SD 480p.  This helped make our video look more professional although we didn't use a tripod or any lighting when filming our video as the aim of our's was to make a documentary style video which we wanted to look as naturalistic as possible.


To create our website we used, and this was the first time any of us had used it. However, even though none of us had any prior experience using the site, we found it fairly easy to use and navigate, quickly getting the idea of how it worked. Due to it's flexibility it allowed us to be as creative as we wanted, as we were able to include lots of interactive elements (a key part in marketing our artist); a key feature popular amongst our target audience. As Wix is flash based this also made it easier to use, and we were could easily add videos, photos and links, and one of my favourite features of the site is the 'Featured News' slideshow on the home page which instantly updates the reader on the key news in our Artist's life. Wix also allowed us to have an MP3 version of the song on the online music player, which helps promote the song and allows the audience to listen to it instantaneously.

We also made a Mobile Website which is a great interactive opportunity, and is something that is increasingly popular among our target audience (16-24 year olds) as the majority of them own smart phones and are on them all the time, as well as allowing them to get their information faster than normal, and on the go. 

Album Cover:
For the photoshoot for the album cover shots, we used studio lights, and a Canon 550d, which helped make the shots look professional. After taking the photos, we edited them on Adobe Photoshop CS5 (whereas we previously were using CS4) which I personally really enjoyed, as although I have quite a bit of experience using Photoshop, I felt I was able to expand my knowledge of the programme with help from the media technician, Chris. We used Adjustment layers such as Brightness/Contrast, Colour Balance and Selective Colour to create the look and colour scheme we were going for as well as enhancing the colours already present in the images.

Also, I used the sharpening tool to make the images clearer, as well as finding textures from sites such as Deviantart which we then added to the photos on settings such as 'lighten' and 'multiply' to create something different and dynamic. We also used photoshop to create the merchandise on the Website store, and I also created the tour poster using Photoshop. I feel that this programme really allowed us to successfully create a professional Website and Album Cover. We downloaded fonts

This is a video of me using a few of the photoshop tools to edit the photo's we used on the website and album cover (unfortunately there's no audio but it's pretty self explanatory):


The main technology used in this stage is again, Web 2.0 and especially Blogger. We also posted our finished video on YouTube to receive comments and feedback from a wide audience. We also used Scribd to upload our questionnaires, allowing us to post them on the blog.

Charley (another media student) created an event on Facebook on behalf of all of us, which meant we were using Social Networking sites to promote all our videos and to get audience feedback. A promo video was also created on the MacBook containing all our videos, which again helped to create hype surrounding the screening and encouraged people to turn up.

This is a printscreen of our online survey, made using SurveyMonkey. It was really easy to use and is a great way to get online feedback. It also allows us to reach a wider audience as Web 2.0 is a global platform.

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