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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Q2. What did you learn from participating in the workshop?

  • I learnt that a lot of patience is required to make sure all the necessary shots are filmed, and at the beginning of the day it took quite a while for the crew to prepare the set-ups as they were having a few issues with the equipment.
  • A lot of time is taken to make sure the set is fully prepared and organised for the next set-up, eg. lighting and camera position etc. to make sure the shot is going to be as close to perfect as possible.

  • I learnt that small changes in the technical equipment can make a big difference, such as when the lights which were pulsing on the stage were changed from 40-70 and the lights were made much brighter which made the footage much more effective.
  • It takes a few takes for the actors to get their performance exactly right, and to get used to their movement on stage etc. in the confined space.
  • It taught me how exhausting music video shoots actually are! There is a lot of waiting involved, but then when it comes to your part, an extremely energetic performance is required. 
  • You need to keep energy levels high throughout the day, and this was especially important for us, as the most important crowd scenes were at the end of the day.

  • I got the chance to have a go at being a 'cable basher' and I felt this was a great chance to experience what it would be like when you first start off in the industry, and although it wasn't the most glamorous job, I felt that I learnt a lot from being near the camera equipment and by the filming itself.

  • It is really important on set to keep everyone's morale and energy high so that the director and camera man can get the best possible shots. Although it was tiring, the shots where we were more enthusiastic look a lot better, and far more realistic than the shots where we lack energy. It is helpful in group shots when there are large amounts of people as it is easier to keep the energy high, and to make sure everyone is still enjoying themselves!
  • I also learnt that a clear timing and shot schedule helps the shoot run a lot more smoothly and rapidly than without. We had a call sheet which outlined who was needed when for their specific shots and it made it much easier to be organised and on time.

      The main crew we had were:
  • Director - Jake Wynne
  • Producer - Ms. Blackborow
  • 1st Assistant Director - Jasmine Blackborow
  • Cameraman - Josh Cohen
  • Lighting - Tom Poffley
  • Instant Playback - Matt Gabzdyl
  • Grip - Matt Barnes

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